Thursday, November 17, 2016

Instant Messaging (IM)

Instant Messaging is real-time, like a telephone conversation, but there can also be a text record of the exchange, like with email messages, so it can function like a quick conference call that allows employees to remain at their desks. Sometimes face-to-face meetings and more formal communication are what is needed but Instant Messaging can help in other ways.

Instant Messaging also proves its worth as an alternative to long-distance telephone service for small business owners who need to communicate with clients in real-time. Many IM platforms are free to use or try, and for paid services, there are no per-minute charges.
The Instant Messenger (IM) that I like to use most frequently would be the Apple iMessage because it comes with the phone and a lot of people that I know have the same brand of phone so the data that is being sent looks the same on everyone’s device and there are no weird interpretations of the happy face emoji.


Skype may be best known for its free video chat, but the company is also a provider of inexpensive VoIP services. While its pricing is hard to beat, Skype’s affordability is indicative of the service’s overall functionality and very basic set of calling features. You are also limited to making internet calls using your computer as a softphone, or installing the app on your smartphone.
The quality of sound with VoIP isn't as good as on a landline or mobile. If you are using a webcam the sound quality deteriorates. There is frequently background noise and the service can be subject to drop-outs. It’s light on features, lacking call return, call blocking and most important, 911 calling ability.
But despite its bare-bones feature set, Skype’s service plans include all the features we looked for in the best VoIP providers. You can keep your current phone number or select a new one with an area code of your choosing, even if you don’t reside there. This VoIP service provides select international calling and unlimited minutes, depending on which of its plans you choose. You can also purchase minutes at a reduced rate.


LinkedIn is a professional social media network, where users create profiles highlighting current and prior work experience. You can upload resumes, connect with colleagues and classmates and build a network that can help you advance in your career.
I would say that a site like this is an upgrade from a job site like where the employers have all the information that they need in order for them to function. Well I’m seeing LinkedIn as the reverse and for the employer instead of the employee but being flexible enough for many different kinds of connections.
The LinkedIn network is unlike Twitter and Facebook. Twitter, for instance, lacks profile depth and Facebook features many demographics of users and offers limited search functions. With LinkedIn, you create an in-depth professional profile, and user information is standardized by education, profile headlines, profile experience and your company allowing you to use this site to the fullest.


The Social Media Comparison Chart

Year Technology Intro.
August 1, 2003
February 14, 2005
February 4, 2004
Compatibility Today
Practically Obsolete
Very Compatible
Extremely Compatible
Connecting Strength
Selling Ad Space
Selling Ad Space
Selling Ad Space
Fun Level
Service Fee
May cost you  your RELATIONSHIP
Bonus Features
Artist Page With possibility of being discovered.
You can launch your own YouTube channel and get paid for it.
You can Video Chat without you Facebook friends.

Source: My Opinion, for data purposes only

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Voki Link

This is the link to my Voki Character

Podcast Link

This is the link to my podcast.


Dan Carlin's Hardcore History - Current Hardcore History - Hardcore History 55 – Blueprint for Armageddon VI

The episode that I decided to listen to was the 6th and final installment of the series. I took the untraditional approach and started at the end of the series. With this being the last part in the series it shows Germany throwing everything into a last series of stupendous attacks in the West while hoping to avoid getting burned by a fire in the East that they’d help fan. If that sounds action packed you’re right. The only crazy thing about that is this is actual history of what happened in the second world war. Things were so bad that it was seen as an Apocalyptical/Armageddon type of event, hence the name of the podcast. This is a mixture of different exerts being read from people fighting the war along with the historical facts to give a frame for the story.

It begins with President of the United States Franklin Delano Roosevelt stating that this Dec 7, 1941 will be a day to remember. It then goes into different presidents and perspectives from around the world. This was the day of the attack at Pearl Harbor.

The podcast then goes into the differences between Nuclear weapons vs. Biological

I left this podcast feeling a bit sad just thinking about all the lives that have been and will be lost.
This episode also talked about the Botched implementation of Carl Marks’s thoughts that were manipulated by Vladimir Lennon executed by Eric Ludendorff. Marks being the originator, Lennon being the implementer and the facilitator Eric Ludendorff being the leader of the German military.