Thursday, November 17, 2016

Instant Messaging (IM)

Instant Messaging is real-time, like a telephone conversation, but there can also be a text record of the exchange, like with email messages, so it can function like a quick conference call that allows employees to remain at their desks. Sometimes face-to-face meetings and more formal communication are what is needed but Instant Messaging can help in other ways.

Instant Messaging also proves its worth as an alternative to long-distance telephone service for small business owners who need to communicate with clients in real-time. Many IM platforms are free to use or try, and for paid services, there are no per-minute charges.
The Instant Messenger (IM) that I like to use most frequently would be the Apple iMessage because it comes with the phone and a lot of people that I know have the same brand of phone so the data that is being sent looks the same on everyone’s device and there are no weird interpretations of the happy face emoji.


Skype may be best known for its free video chat, but the company is also a provider of inexpensive VoIP services. While its pricing is hard to beat, Skype’s affordability is indicative of the service’s overall functionality and very basic set of calling features. You are also limited to making internet calls using your computer as a softphone, or installing the app on your smartphone.
The quality of sound with VoIP isn't as good as on a landline or mobile. If you are using a webcam the sound quality deteriorates. There is frequently background noise and the service can be subject to drop-outs. It’s light on features, lacking call return, call blocking and most important, 911 calling ability.
But despite its bare-bones feature set, Skype’s service plans include all the features we looked for in the best VoIP providers. You can keep your current phone number or select a new one with an area code of your choosing, even if you don’t reside there. This VoIP service provides select international calling and unlimited minutes, depending on which of its plans you choose. You can also purchase minutes at a reduced rate.


LinkedIn is a professional social media network, where users create profiles highlighting current and prior work experience. You can upload resumes, connect with colleagues and classmates and build a network that can help you advance in your career.
I would say that a site like this is an upgrade from a job site like where the employers have all the information that they need in order for them to function. Well I’m seeing LinkedIn as the reverse and for the employer instead of the employee but being flexible enough for many different kinds of connections.
The LinkedIn network is unlike Twitter and Facebook. Twitter, for instance, lacks profile depth and Facebook features many demographics of users and offers limited search functions. With LinkedIn, you create an in-depth professional profile, and user information is standardized by education, profile headlines, profile experience and your company allowing you to use this site to the fullest.


The Social Media Comparison Chart

Year Technology Intro.
August 1, 2003
February 14, 2005
February 4, 2004
Compatibility Today
Practically Obsolete
Very Compatible
Extremely Compatible
Connecting Strength
Selling Ad Space
Selling Ad Space
Selling Ad Space
Fun Level
Service Fee
May cost you  your RELATIONSHIP
Bonus Features
Artist Page With possibility of being discovered.
You can launch your own YouTube channel and get paid for it.
You can Video Chat without you Facebook friends.

Source: My Opinion, for data purposes only

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Voki Link

This is the link to my Voki Character

Podcast Link

This is the link to my podcast.


Dan Carlin's Hardcore History - Current Hardcore History - Hardcore History 55 – Blueprint for Armageddon VI

The episode that I decided to listen to was the 6th and final installment of the series. I took the untraditional approach and started at the end of the series. With this being the last part in the series it shows Germany throwing everything into a last series of stupendous attacks in the West while hoping to avoid getting burned by a fire in the East that they’d help fan. If that sounds action packed you’re right. The only crazy thing about that is this is actual history of what happened in the second world war. Things were so bad that it was seen as an Apocalyptical/Armageddon type of event, hence the name of the podcast. This is a mixture of different exerts being read from people fighting the war along with the historical facts to give a frame for the story.

It begins with President of the United States Franklin Delano Roosevelt stating that this Dec 7, 1941 will be a day to remember. It then goes into different presidents and perspectives from around the world. This was the day of the attack at Pearl Harbor.

The podcast then goes into the differences between Nuclear weapons vs. Biological

I left this podcast feeling a bit sad just thinking about all the lives that have been and will be lost.
This episode also talked about the Botched implementation of Carl Marks’s thoughts that were manipulated by Vladimir Lennon executed by Eric Ludendorff. Marks being the originator, Lennon being the implementer and the facilitator Eric Ludendorff being the leader of the German military.


Title: Keeping It Reel 1: Awards Rundown

What caught my eye was the play on words in the name of this podcast. Because it is a podcast that does reviews on movies keeping it REEL instead of REAL really stood out. This is a podcast that was run by 90’s radio host Phil Gordon who goes by the moniker Film Gordon, being that he sees himself as sort of a movie expert. He does a few different movie reviews and even gives advice for movies to see that came out before he had the podcast to review them.

This was the 1st episode that was according to Phil, 8 months in the making.

This is a podcast that features a call-in number which allows the listener to be active and not by email but live phone call which takes me back to my introduction to podcasts. Some of the movies that were spoken about were: Twilight New Moon, Pressure and Armor which all seemed to have a decent storyline for the viewer to enjoy. Me personally I wouldn’t go out of my way to see those movies but after hearing about them I could picture myself seeing what they are about… maybe when the get to Redbox.

After writing this review I noticed this podcast had no RSS feed


"It Is What It Is" ~ Podcast

Episode 7 ~ One Helluva Night

Well to start I think it is funny that they talk about the upcoming election that is for them 2 weeks out. On this podcast they deal with different concerts and they go into which ones were the best that they’ve seen. But before they went into that, they did a brief tech review about the new Samsung s8 and also the new Nintendo Switch. Me personally, I have an ipega- 9023 gaming controller for my 10 inch tablet. The Nintendo switch will be a perfect blend of the past and present and it really shows how gaming can be done on pc, mac, phone or tablet.

They also reviewed the new Touchscreen Apple MacBook 15inch for $2400 being a down payment on a car.
They type of concerts that were reviewed were collaborative concerts, free concerts and local to national performers. The concerts and performers that they reviewed were:

Lupe Fiasco: Under the Arts show. Reported to be a good local show.

Drake’s Summer 16 featuring Future was reported to be very lyrical.

Beyoncé- Reported that She has a Mega screen for her Formation tour and has a wonderful singing voice.

And last but not least was the Helluva Night Concert which featured: Chris Brown, Kid Ink, Omarion and Feddi Wap. And this collaborative concert reportedly went off without a hitch.

After writing this review I did not see a RSS feed.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Shift Still Happening

The post that I’m commenting on this time was submitted by MeinGottInHImmel on November 9, 2009 to It was entitled Profoundly upset by this video When first watching the video I too started to mistake it for propaganda but in quickly realizing how fortunate I was to be in line with where the world is moving, I am happy that I have been investing the time and energy in learning the things I will need to know to stay afloat. If you look at the did you know web 2.0 as simply propaganda, then you aren’t realizing the truth of the matter; technology is where it is and where it is going to be and if we don’t take this gold rush seriously we will end up without any nuggets.

While I understand while some people may interpret this as something that is scary when it is something to be incredibly excited about and proud to have a hand in its start so why back away when there are still major benefits to be reaped. There is a big difference between encouragement and propaganda. The main difference is the presence of lies and the bending of the truth. In the review that I read there was no mention of lies being stated in the video. The writer said this seems like a paranoid gasp of a “Failing Empire”. I feel that if that person admitted that the empire is failing, then they should be at the front of this thing waving the flag to help prevent that from happening. I think we all have our own opinions and we should be careful how we use them.

Shift Keeps Happening

Another post that I will be speaking about from is by lydiak4 January 21, 2010. It is entitled Technology Makes Our Lives Easier. As it relates to the web 2.0 video the post talks about how things have progressed so far in so little time. I agree with the statements that with us being the technology generation we have to take full advantage of the opportunities that are literally in our hands. This world is quickly advancing and I am running in stride.

This was a discussion post from by pkrimmer January 21, 2010. It is titled What Technology do Students Need? I feel that it is very important and pertains to the did you know 2.0 video very much because if students don’t have the correct tools it will start them out at a disadvantage. And since other places like China and India seem to make sure their youths are properly equipped with the educational tools that are needed. A funny thing mentioned in the post was that children in the U.S. are advancing fast with all the technology available today and children as young as 7 are operating cellular phones and computers which was not the case many years ago.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

When selecting the first two bookmarks for I saw that nine people also bookmarked What Is Web 2.0 by Tim O’reilly. Then I saw that only a few more had bookmarked Harnessing Collective Intelligence by Tim O’reilly. But I thought it was funny when there were 100 other people that had bookmarked the “Dumbness of Crowds.” I thought it had a lot of good information and was a worthy bookmark. The advantage of would be the ability to neatly store an emporium of bookmarks with the ability of reaching them on any device that you have. Because I’m fairly new to I’m not so sure what the cons can be but I not remembering the name of the website would be a pretty good end all.     

Flickr Clickr

My experience with Flickr was nice and smooth. I had fun and enjoyed the whole process from start to finish. Watching the video how to use Flickr helped a lot and is what made everything smooth although the setup was very user friendly depending on the browser. I had to switch from Internet Explorer to Google Chrome for certain features and options to show up on the screen. But other than that, everything was fun. I can’t wait to see what else is in store. I searched for the similarly tagged photos under “web2.0” and there were 80,161 results and a funny censored Flickr picture of 2 frogs.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

My Review of (first encounter)

Delicious is a tool that's been around for a while now and is recognized as one of the leading platforms for social bookmarking. You can use it to discover, share and organize important links so you always know where to find them again later. Delicious being a social bookmarking site allows a user to save their Internet bookmarks online instead of saving bookmarks to your computer's web browser, you are saving them to the web and can access them anywhere with an Internet connection. Any link you find around the web that you think is worth saving, you can do with Delicious. The platform makes it easy to do that by offering a range of web tools that help you save new links with a click of your mouse.

The bookmarklet, for example, is something you can add to your browser. When you come across a great page online that you want to save to Delicious, just click that button. And what’s neat is you can also get Delicious browser extensions for Google Chrome and Firefox.

My Review of Flickr (first encounter)

Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Flickr is a popular photo sharing and hosting service with advanced and powerful features. It supports an active and engaged community where people share and explore each other's photos. You can share and host hundreds of your own pictures on Flickr for free.

Flickr makes putting your photos and videos on it simple, and gives you plenty of options for customizing the information about them.  Add "tags" and a description to make your photos easier to find and enjoy, or make them private if you want to admire them by yourself.  With 1000 gigabytes of memory storage, you'll almost never run out of space for your photos and videos! You can also do other cool things such as reserves full-size images and EXIF data, attractive interface, large photo-sharing community, Geo-tagging, people tagging, keyword tagging, Online photo editing and Traffic stats.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

OpenOffice Vs Microsoft Office

The last open source software I chose to review was OpenOffice. I did so because I had no idea that it existed. Although our school offers MS OFFICE for free, I’ve had a few situations blocks when my software wasn’t responding and I had to look for online word processors to finish my homework. I recently came into a problem with my MS Excel not opening and I almost missed the deadline of my second job. I had to use my MacGyver skills to turn in my work. But with Open Office by Apache I now have a secure backup plan that works just as good as Microsoft Office Suits. The fact that Open Office offers the same programs as Microsoft with the same functionality makes Open Office a wonderful choice. The Open Office Writer looks so much like Microsoft Word I don’t even miss Word. Unlike Mozilla Firefox and Audacity, this open source software seems to be neck and neck with its predecessor competitor. 

Audacity Vs. Pro Tools

Second I chose to download Audacity. I did so because while watching the CNET Insider Secrets video I saw that Audacity is a free version of Pro Tools which I have used a lot in the past. So, I decided to check it out. After recording some audio and attempting to edit it I found the same option tools available. And everything that came to my mind to do was possible. The only difference to me was the familiarity of the look. When working with Pro Tools I feel comfortable knowing that artist around the world use the same software. I guess Audacity would be perfect for the independent artist or some looking to cut down on their budget.

Mozilla Firefox Vs. Internet Explorer

Over the next three post I will be reviewing some Open Source Software and comparing it to commonly used or sold software. First I chose to download Mozilla Firefox since I have heard of it but never used it and because it reminds me of cheese sticks. When opening Firefox, it kind of reminds me of Web 1.0 at first. I think I may be stuck to Internet Explorer and the elaborate homepage. But of course, this open source software browser can be just as functional as any other browser. I guess the problem would come in when it came to being able to or not being able to manipulate the code.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

This Video Was Creative and Cool!

2.0 Here We Go


And just like that I’m back, and this is a two-part assignment and as you’ve guessed this post will be on the second blog that I visited. For the second blog review I wanted to venture towards the end of the list so I chose to visit SolutionWatch posted by Brian Benzinger coming in at number 10. I feel that although there is a huge difference between the two blogs, they both serve an important purpose. I feel like SolutionWatch is a more relaxed, neat and clam blog. It isn’t as busy as TechCrunch and is not too much to take in. There was a post that I thought was very interesting about “L8r”, which is a service that lets users create an email and have it delivered at a specific time in the future. I think that is a very useful idea that I had no clue about and it can be used in different ways and for different reasons.


Hello everyone, this is my very first blog as well as post and it is a part of my class assignment. So I will be starting this post off with a review of another blogger’s blog. The blog that I chose was from the list of The Top Ten Blogs Following Web 2.0, by Brian Wynne Williams. I chose to review Mike Arrington’s TechCrunch at number 1 on the list. This blog gave me a good idea of what my blog would eventually look like or could look like. The total layout helped me to understand and see things a whole lot clearer. What really stands out about the blog more than the information that its providing is the frequency of the post that are being made. It seems to be at least one post every hour and even cycles of every 14 minutes. The blog itself was very informative and especially if you are into technology. I really enjoyed visiting that blog. I liked seeing the post about Samsung “Could this be the end of Samsung’s smartphone reign”, because it a HOT topic and it was posted only 2 hours before I visited.